Ester Grossi

ester grossi
Nata ad Avezzano (AQ) nel 1981. Diplomata in Moda, Design e Arredamento presso l’istituto d’arte “Vincenzo Bellisario”, nel 2008 ha conseguito la laurea specialistica in ‘Cinema, Televisione e Produzione Multimediale’ presso il DAMS di Bologna. Si dedica da anni alla pittura ed ha all’attivo diverse mostre in Italia e all’estero; e’ vincitrice del Premio Italian Factory 2010. Nel 2011 è stata invitata alla 54° Biennale di Venezia. Come illustratrice ha realizzato manifesti per festival di cinema e musica (Imaginaria Film Festival, MIAMI-Musica Importante a Milano, Teatro Lirico Sperimentale di Spoleto) e cover per album di band musicali (A Classic Education). Collabora frequentemente con musicisti per la realizzazione di mostre e installazioni pittoriche-sonore. She was born in Avezzano (AQ) in 1981. Graduated in Fashion Design and Decor at the Art Institute ‘Vincenzo Bellisario’, in 2008 she received the degree in ‘Film, Television and Multimedia Production’ at the DAMS of Bologna. She paints from several years and has realized various exhibitions in Italy and abroad. She won the ‘Italian Factory Award 2010’. In 2011 she was invited to the 54 ° Biennale of Venice. As an illustrator she created posters for film and music festival(Imaginaria Film Festival, MIAMI, Opera House in Spoleto) and album covers for music band (A Classic Education). She collaborates frequently with musicians for the construction of sound-painting exhibitions and installations.


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