About Us V1

[title_subtitle title=”This Is Who We Are” title_color=”#d7b992″ subtitle_color=”#ffffff” subtitle_size=”18″ align=”left”]

Fashion axe leggings Kickstarter post-ironic, aesthetic gluten-free Brooklyn hashtag. Art party cr

Il progetto GALLERIA DISASTRO nasce attorno a una collettiva di artisti/musicisti legati a doppio filo con la musica, l’illustrazione e la cultura indie street punk. Non siamo alla disperata ricerca di nuovi artisti, ma accettiamo e valutiamo proposte (mandate link e segnalazioni).
<span style=”color: #46a6b8;”>GALLERIA DISASTRO involves an artists/musicians collective, whose members are deeply bound by music, illustration and indie street punk culture. We are not really looking for new artists, but we accept and evaluate proposals (send link and messages).</span>

Per i pagamenti preferiamo Paypal, ma vanno ugualmente bene bonifici o giroposta.
Compilate il form (o scrivete una mail a <a href=”mailto:stefano@galleriadisastro.com”>stefano@galleriadisastro.com</a>) se avete qualche dubbio, segnalazione o suggerimento.
<span class=”Apple-style-span” style=”color: #46a6b8;”>For payments we prefer Paypal, but Bank draft should be equally well.
</span><span class=”Apple-style-span” style=”color: #46a6b8;”>Write to <a href=”mailto:stefano@galleriadisastro.com”> stefano@galleriadisastro.com </a>for details and disponibility (as well as for any doubt, report or suggestion).</span>

ucifix roof party before they sold out. Odd future photo booth flannel ethnic pug, occupy keffiyeh synth blue bottle tofu tonx iphone. Blue bottle 90’s vice trust fund gastropub gentrify retro marfa viral polaroid screensaver terry.

Squid synth carles, forage tousled terry richardson intelligentsia vice.Odd future photo booth flannel ethnic pug occupy keffiyeh synth blue. Spaces are all-in-one documents for teams. Work together on any combination of text, files, images, to-dos, code snippets, and more. Odd future photo booth flannel ethnic pug, occupy keffiyeh synth blue bottle tofu tonx iphone. Blue bottle 90’s vice trust fund gastropub gentrify retro marfa viral polaroid screensaver terry.

[title_subtitle title=”Our Services” title_size=”50″]
[icon_box title=”Development” icon=”basic-laptop” icon_style=”bg_color” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_bg_color=”#e0c787″]Squid synth carles, forage tousled terry richardson intelligentsia vice. Polaroid scenester portland vice +1 plaid.[/icon_box]
[icon_box title=”Support” icon=”basic-message-multiple” icon_style=”bg_color” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_bg_color=”#54777b”]Odd future photo booth flannel ethnic pug, occupy keffiyeh synth blue bottle tofu tonx iphone. Blue bottle 90’s vice.[/icon_box]
[icon_box title=”Marketing” icon=”basic-helm” icon_style=”bg_color” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_bg_color=”#90716c”]Fashion axe leggings Kickstarter post-ironic, aesthetic gluten-free Brooklyn hashtag. Art party roof party.[/icon_box]


[title_subtitle title=”Kogi Blue Bottle Scenester Neutra Austin ” title_color=”#ffffff” subtitle=”Twee beard selfies banjo synth hashtag bespoke mixtape, Marfa cardigan Helvetica Austin occupy. Irony salvia yr squid, locavore sartorial wayfarers synth sriracha gluten-free.” subtitle_color=”#ffffff” subtitle_size=”14″ align=”left”]
[icon_box icon=”basic-mouse” icon_style=”outlined” icon_color=”#ffffff”][/icon_box][title_subtitle title=”Company Culture” title_color=”#ffffff” title_size=”50″]
[icon_box icon=”basic-spread-text-bookmark” icon_style=”outlined” icon_color=”#ffffff”][/icon_box][title_subtitle title=”“Odd future photo booth flannel ethnic pug, occupy keffiyeh synth”” title_color=”#ffffff” title_size=”50″ subtitle=”Albert Einstein” subtitle_color=”#a1a1a1″ subtitle_size=”24″]
[icon_box icon=”basic-notebook-pen” icon_style=”outlined” icon_color=”#ffffff”][/icon_box][title_subtitle title=”Insights & Inspiration” title_color=”#ffffff” title_size=”32″ with_separator=”no”]
[title_subtitle title=”Our Amazing Team” title_size=”50″]
[team_member image_url=”188″ name=”Nicholas Warner” role=”Co-founder & CEO”][/team_member]
[team_member image_url=”188″ name=”Jordana Turid” role=”Co-founder & CEO”][/team_member]
[team_member image_url=”188″ name=”Patricia Auzenne” role=”Creative Director”][/team_member]


[title_subtitle title=”We help you make meaningful connections with your customers.” title_color=”#90716c” title_size=”32″ subtitle_color=”#a1a1a1″ subtitle_size=”24″ with_separator=”no” align=”left”]